Happy Saint Patrick’s Day – here’s hoping you don’t have to chase any snakes. Wear green.
I’ll be on the road for five hours today with beloved Art historian daughter – trekking across the southland to the Birmingham, Alabama art museum http://www.artsbma.org/ to feast my eyes on their small treasures exhibit. It is not every day my part of the world hosts the likes of Vermeer, Hals, Steen, Leyster, Rembrandt and van Dyck. http://www.artsbma.org/5-things-to-know-about-girl-with-the-red-hat/
The bulk of my planning for the Madrid/Lisbon trip is done and dusted. I can just plug and play the strategies I used for my month in Paris – like which clothes and electronics to bring. There is some tweaking to be sure. Clothing will be almost identical, though I am eliminating long sleeve shirts, hiking socks and a down coat. Checking the history of the April weather of Madrid, the last ten years have seen most days in the 70s/80s. http://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/LEMD/2014/4/17/MonthlyCalendar.html?req_city=Madrid&req_state=&req_statename=Spain&reqdb.zip=00000&reqdb.magic=1&reqdb.wmo=08221 You have to go back to 2004 to see consistent daily averages in the 50s/60s.
No yoga pants – sure they are cute and comfy, but their lack of pockets trumped that every time. No dress flats or clogs. Instead, two pairs of Chucks, maybe a pair of slides. More additions: Adding bright pinks and reds to the tee shirt mix. I remember craving color last time. In a nod to the warming weather, one pair of thin cotton cargo-esque pants.
Something I am packing since I couldn’t find it in Paris or it was crazy expensive – Earl Grey, English breakfast, Chai and Peppermint tea, oatmeal and Splenda. I’ll use those every single day.
My day-to-day plans are looser too – now that I know whatever I expect it will all change once actually set foot in the Prado. Just in time for Saint Patrick’s Day, the ‘Lettuce’
José de Galaz, Monstrance from the Church of San Ignacio in Bogotá, known as “The Lettuce”. 1700
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