Past writer, present painter, autodidact and idiolect. Call me Virginia. Any questions?
Then let’s get started. My idea of a fantastic trip is access to world class art and sufficient time to look at it closely and at length. No haste, no dashing through the marble halls. Not everyone’s cup of Earl Grey, so consider yourself warned. Quality beats quantity, though the more at bats you get, the better your odds are of finding art that’s life changing, work that leaves you vibrating like a bell that’s been struck.
I’ll write about the impetus for these journeys, the planning, the eager anticipation and the doubts at 3am, culminating in my boots on the ground experience. Along the way I expect to be frequently surprised, unexpectedly delighted, and occasionally dismayed. If my luck holds, resilience and gratitude will see me through.
Beginning the countdown to a trip to the Louvre, starting April Fools Day and ending Easter Sunday, followed by a ten day visit to the Rijksmuseum. Alert travelers will note that the Louvre Museum is in Paris, so this is also going to include time in the gardens, mean streets, cafes and bistros of the City of Light, and the canals, condom museums and street markets of Amsterdam.
The most important thing about this post is the link to the musician and creator of the Make Time image I’ve borrowed, with his permission. Thanks, Marshall. Make_Time
Monkling says
All set to crawl into your suitcase and follow along on the trip!